Historically, the goals that I’ve set for myself at the start of past new years have been “what” focused.
What exactly am I going to DO this year?
Where am I going to go? What am I going to produce?
Examples would have included things like: go to the gym 4x/week, publish 100 posts, read 12 books, etc.
This year, however, I’m taking a completely different approach.
My goal setting for 2021 doesn’t entail any lists at all.
It has nothing to do with “what” I’m going to do this year.
Instead, I’ve chosen to focus entirely on “how” I’m going to do whatever it is that I do this year.
And for that, I found that I don’t need a list. I just need one single goal, which is this: joy, love, and enthusiasm.
My goal for 2021 is to bring joy, love, and enthusiasm to whatever it is that I do, and to whatever it is that this year brings.
Can I bring joy, love, and enthusiasm to whatever the work is that needs to get done today?
Can I bring joy, love, and enthusiasm to every video call I’m on this week?
Can I dial-up the joy, love, and enthusiasm that I bring to every interaction this month?
If I can learn to BRING with me joy, love, and enthusiasm, then it doesn’t matter what 2021 serves up. I will just meet whatever arrives with this trinity.